How to Become Property Dealer [Real Estate Agent] (Profit)

How to Become Property Dealer [Real Estate Agent] in India [License, Salary, Registration, Profit]   

Property dealer refers to everyone who is willing and aware of the difference between property sellers and buyers. While lots of people have already earned a handsome amount of money by progressing into the business of Property Dealing, other people have got interested in becoming a renowned personality in this particular business. As of now, government has made mandatory licenses as well as registration for the ones who are interested in dealing with this business under RERA or safely known as Real Estate Regulatory Authority. But in spite of all the licenses made by government, there are multiple unregistered properties even now that might be found in the villages, cities, as well as the small towns. But this is never beneficial for the dealers, as the properties are not registered. In this guide, you will be enlightened with the right process. To know more, keep reading on.

How to Become Property Dealer in India

An Introduction to the Definition of Property Dealer

A job of a Real Estate Agent or Property Dealer is to meditate between the property seller and the property buyer in order to deliver the deal. There are various property dealers who buy properties right after getting good deal of discounts. Later on, they earn money just by selling the properties at a higher price tag. Despite being a property dealer, the earning also includes in the category of business for starting with a low investment. This is due to the fact that a property dealer is an entrepreneur who has to sell a property of someone else to other people. Meanwhile, the earnings also have a direct impact on the profit of the property dealer. To know about becoming the best property dealer, keep reading on.

How will you become the best Property Dealer or real Estate Agent in India?

If anyone wants to become a property dealer, then he or she requires knowing the process for the type of the registration. As a matter of fact, the most pivotal thing to keep in mind is to register under the RERA in the present days. On the other hand, people meditating more than 25 deals can call themselves property dealers, but registration is mandatory. To know about the points, you need to keep reading on.

  1. Client is Necessary

True is the fact that there are no requirements of certified degrees if one wishes to become a property dealer in a country like India. However, requirement for customers and sellers are pretty much necessity. If someone doesn’t want to become a property dealer, but accidentally becomes one, then there might a lot of reasons behind that.

Suppose someone has accidentally become a property dealer, then it might be because someone from their neighborhood told to sell their property after knowing that the person has a contact of a client who is interested in purchasing the property. The contact might come from other relatives after visiting their houses. After the property is purchased to the one interested in buying, the one who got the contact might feel to make profit out of the purchase. And in this way, anyone can become a property dealer. There are a couple of examples of those registered real estate agent who are earning handsome amount of money out of this business, but first off, their intentions were never to hold a position in this business. The reason why these above mentioned things are said is because;people must know that property dealing business doesn’t require any degree or certificate. All you require is the zeal inside the soul in order to become a successful property dealer or real estate agent.

  1. Property must be registered under the Authority of Real Estate Regulatory

Even if property dealing business doesn’t require degree or certificate, registration must be essential forreaching excellence. Every state comes with its individual Real Estate Regulatory Authority or RERA. Hence, the state where the entrepreneur wishes to become a successful property dealer must require in complying with the rules and regulations to set forth in future. Nevertheless, the ones who wish to become real estate agents require applying just by going to the RERA website in order to register themselves as the real estate agents.

Say for example, the application is related to a particular state; then one can search it from Google on the RERA website by entering the respective state. One just has to click on the official website of the government and can apply to become the real estate agent of the state by following the instructions carefully. As a matter of fact, the registration fees vary with the change in states; hence, a person who wants to become a successful real estate agent will have to contact the concerned official website of the state or the department. If the person is registered under the RERA, he is registered as an official real estate agent.


Now that you have got a fair glimpse of what exactly is meant by real estate agent and how to become a successful property dealer in India, you can do the rest by following the aforementioned guide carefully.

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