How to Start a Coffee Shop Business

Coffee shop business, Idea, Plan, Model, in India, Finance, Investment, Required Equipment, Cost and Profit

Coffee cafes and tea shops are common in India and a number of them have come up these days. The demand for coffee is increasing these days and people want to get new flavors along with tasty coffee brands. When people visit a new eatery with friends or family, coffee is the first thing that most of us wish to order first. Owing to this situation, if you wish to start a coffee-making business, opening a cafe is a good business option to start in India. As per statistics, it can be said that between 2015 and 2019, the number of coffee lovers will increase in India. On a gradual note, the numbers are increasing. Given the situation, if you wish to start the business, you can earn a good profit.

coffee shop business

Coffee Shop Business Brand Name 

For starting a coffee shop, you have to choose a brand name for your shop. People will get to know about the shop by the brand name. As a number of coffee shops are already available in the market, you have to choose the brand name carefully. When choosing the brand name, make sure that it is a new one, easily understandable, and people can remember it easily. Also, try to choose an attractive name to grab the attention of coffee lovers more.

Click here to know about how you can start a small fast food business in India and earn lots of money. 

Coffee Shop Business Types

It is easy to start your coffee shop, and it does not require a proper setup of a shop to start the business. Below is a list of different coffee shop businesses that you can start.

  • Coffee house – In this type of coffee shop, people will come to relax with a cup of coffee. It is good to open this type of shop in a big town or a city as you can earn a good profit from it.
  • Retail coffee shop – In this type of business, you will help people make coffee. In this, mostly coffee-related items are sold in the market. Also, some of the top-rated coffee brands are run in this type of business.
  • Coffee cafe – If you wish to start your coffee cafe, it can be both challenging and expensive. In this, it is better if you can offer a new menu to customers in the morning and a different one for lunch and dinner.
  • Coffee shop – In this, different coffee products are available such as coffee machine, cookies, coffee-flavored cakes, and these are popularly sold in the market. For this kind of shop, it is better to open one around the theater or ball shop that will increase the sale of your shop.  
  • Retailer shop – If you open a retail coffee shop, you have to sell products that are made from roasted coffee beans. Also, you can try to sell the items at a wholesale rate in the big factories and earn good profit from the business.
  • Car and transport coffee – This type of business is done offline, and it helps to get a good profit. This is a good option as a startup business as the focus is on brewed coffee along with package pastries.
  • Drive-in and taste coffee shop – The drive-through coffee shop is a good business option, and it proves to be beneficial for you. In this type, you can sell food and different beverages that have good demand in the market.

Coffee Shop Business Location

It is important to choose the right location of your coffee shop. You have to think of a place where people can sit comfortable and have coffee with friends. Apart from the location, if you can try to set up the coffee shop beside a good location, it will add to the value of the coffee shop. People will love to visit the shop and enjoy a cup of coffee. Try to choose the location that has good visibility among the people. For this, you have to select a place that is located in the middle of the city. When deciding the place, make sure you do not have to face any problem and you can smoothly run the shop.

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Coffee Shop Business Decide Menu  

The menu is one of the important tasks depending on which you can get more number of customers for your coffee shop. For running a coffee shop smoothly, you have to decide the different types of coffee that you wish to offer to the customers. Try to offer the coffee at an average price that will increase the chance of sell of the coffee. So, it is better to have a good menu and include some uncommon items. Along with this, try to offer the average price of the items. This will help you make good profit and customers will be satisfied and visit frequently at your coffee shop.

Coffee Shop Business License and Registration 

First, you have to opt for the official license of the business as it is required when you wish to sell any food or similar items. To be eligible to sell the products, you have to get an officer’s license from SSI when starting a private limited company. In this, the pay substances you sell in the shop will be examined by application SSI. Only after this, you can get the license and it becomes easy for you to reach out to the target customers. For the registration, you have to go through the website of SSI and opt for the official license of your coffee shop. Only after you get the license, you can start the coffee shop without the chance of any legal problems. The license will help you from any legal action to crop up in the middle and assure that your business is able to run smoothly.

Click here to register your business under Udyog Aadhar.

Coffee Shop Business Equipment Required   

Mechanical equipment is necessary when you are planning to start a coffee shop. Try to get a quality machine that will go a long way, and it will be worthy of the investment you make. In addition to this, a quality machine means you are able to deliver good quality coffee to the customers. If the customers dislike the coffee, they will not visit the place for the second time. To make the customers continue visiting the place, you have to ensure that you offer quality items. For this, you have to invest in the right machinery tool. Some of the machines that are required in a coffee shop are listed below.

  • Automatic drip coffee machine
  • Good source of milk and water
  • Industrial coffee grinder
  • Containers, pumps, and bearing mills
  • Food cooler
  • High-quality express machine
  • Refrigerator
  • Oven and toaster
  • Food Making Machine
  • Freezer and Cold Product Storage

Other than this, you can also get other machines depending on your requirement in the coffee shop.

If you want to get information about starting a food truck business, then click here.

Coffee Shop Business Set up Customer Service Team 

A customer service team along with a recovery service is of utmost important when you want to set up a coffee shop. If the customer is facing any problem, they can get in touch with the customer service team who can help them solve the problems. In this, you need to offer free wifi and bill service. Gone are the days of table service in the coffee shops and instead, counter service is preferred. Most of the coffee lovers visiting the shops prefer to use the internet that is available for free in the cafes. Therefore, offering free internet connection will be an add-on so that you can grab the attention of the customers better. Due to the facilities offered at the coffee shop, customers would like to stay on for a long time and eventually they will order more than just a cup of coffee as available in the shop. Therefore, depending on your thinking, you have to decide whether you wish to offer free Wifi or charge your customers. To do this, you have to consider your customer base and decide wisely.

Coffee Shop Business Marketing

Irrespective of the size of the business, you have to know correct marketing strategies so that people can know about it. Try to market your products and to do this, you can also start by setting up a business website. Through this, you can give complete information to the target customers. In addition, you can also choose to advertise offline like placing banners, posters, creating visiting cards and then distributing it door-to-door among the customers. The cards will have complete information about the business. These are good options for marketing your business that will help you earn good profit.

Click here to know what email marketing is and how you can make money from it.

Coffee Shop Business Investment and Profit

By considering the points mentioned above, you should not delay in starting your coffee shop. This requires an excellent one-time investment if you wish to offer a quality item to the customers. By this, you can earn a good profit from the business. Do not worry after making the investment in the business as you are going to get the return as you start to earn profit from it. Do not hurry in the business and only hard work can help you progress forward in your business. Make sure that you consider the above said points that shall help you achieve a good start for your coffee shop business.

Employee for Coffee Shop Business

Irrespective of the size of the coffee shop, you need employees for your business that will help you take the business forward. To appoint employees, you have to share information about your business or use posters to let people know about the vacancy available in your company. In this way, you can employ people in your business and create some employment opportunities for interested youth.

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Training to Employees for Coffee Shop Business

To operate business in a hassle manner, it is necessary to train your employees before employing them in your business. This way, you get to know about the actual tactics of running a coffee shop business. You need to have the proper knowledge and in addition to this, you have to train your employees so that they are able to run the business properly. To be able to manage your business better, you have to know better about customer handling so that they do not face any problem when they visit the coffee shop.


The suggestions given in the above said part of the article should help you take a wise decision for your coffee shop business. By employing people in your business, you can run a smooth business without any hassles.

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