After plastic plates are banned start Paper Plates Making business and earn lakhs of rupees per month

Paper plate making business, Idea, At home, Plan, Machinery, Cost, Profit, Project  

Paper plates are commonly used on different occasions as these are lightweight ones. It can also be used in a picnic as these are lightweight ones. After using it, it can be destroyed easily without any chances of pollution. Therefore, with all these benefits offered by the paper making industry, the business can be started with less source of money. The plates can be manufactured in different shapes and sizes giving it simple designs. But before you start the business, it is important that you check the demand for the products in the market. In addition, try to decide the total cost required to start the business and the required license for the business.

paper plate making business

Paper Plate Making Business Check the Demand and Market Group 

After you start the business, you have to look for the right market from where you can start the business. When choosing the quality of the plate, you have to consider the group of customers you will be offering your company products. Other than the wholesale market, try to target the restaurants, caterers, food stalls and the like to offer the paper plates. This way, it will be easy for you to start selling the plates soon after the manufacturing process is complete.

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Paper Plate Making Business Raw Material and Cost of Plates

As the purpose of the business is to earn money, try to ensure that you offer top quality items even if you are investing less money. Raw materials required list shows below in making paper plates

  • Good quality printed PE paper that costs rupees 30 to 40 per kg
  • Quality Bottom Reel with the price of rupees 40 per kg
  • Essential items required for printing

Where can you find Raw Materials for Making Paper Plates 

If you are looking for the raw materials and machinery from online sources for making the paper plates, so you can go with India Mart site Even if you want to order the manual and double die machines for making the paper plates, so in this site all those things are available. You can buy anything which is use in making the paper plates

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Paper Plate Manufacturing Business Machinery

The work of making paper plates is based on the machine you use. For this, automatic machines are used that are easily available. Even big sized tools are available that requires a high price compared to the rest. Comparatively, the manual machines are lower in price that is a preferable option for small scale business enterprises. After business growth, you can switch to automatic machines depending on the profit of your business. The cost of a manual machine is rupees 9000 to rupees 25000. However, if you wish to buy a single die automatic machine, it will cost a minimum of rupees 30000, whereas the cost of a double die machine will cost rupees 55000.

Paper Plate Making Business Required Cost

The total cost of the business depends on the type of machine that you want to buy. If you are starting the business with a manual machine, it will cost rupees 20000. Along with this, the raw materials need to be calculated. But if you wish to start a business with an automatic machine, you have to spend rupees 40000 to 50000 for this. However, the production of the automatic machines will be worthy compared to the ones of the manual machine. Therefore, it is possible to start the paper plate making business on low investment.

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Paper Plate Manufacturing Procedure

The procedure for making paper plates involves three stages. Details of the three stages are detailed in the following part.

  1. First, you have to cut the paper into the right size. The manual machine should have a motor. The size of the plate will depend on the die that is used in the machine. The size of the paper should go with the size of the die so that no excess paper remains on the plate are making it. The extra paper can also ruin the look of the end product and so, it is better to give a suitable cut to the plates.
  2. It should be known that the quality of paper will depend on GSM. The more GSM, the more the money, and it can help increase the quality of the end products. After you cut the paper, you have to place it under the dye in the space given in the machine. On one side of a manual machine, you can place a maximum of eleven papers at a time. A machine comes with two dyes, and therefore, it is possible to make a paper plate of twenty-two numbers at once.
  3. In the third stage, the edge and base of the paper are prepared. In this step, after using the hand lever attached to the machine, both dye in the machine will fall on the paper placed and it will give the desired design of the place.

Paper Plate Manufacturing Business License and Registration 

The paper plate making business requires licenses and permissions so that the government has examined the procedure of the business thoroughly. For a small scale business, it is better to opt for the license from the local authority. This will ensure that it will be no obstruction at the time of manufacturing the products. As soon as your company brand is registered, you can opt for a loan for the business.

If you are starting a business, click here to register it under MSME online Registration Process. 

Paper Plate Manufacturing Business Marketing 

It is obvious for a new brand to face some obstacles when it is first launched in the market. It should be a good brand and offer average price for its product and service. This shall to target most of the consumers available in the market. If the company is able to move forward from its initial situation, it will have chances of progress in its future. It calls for suitable marketing of the company products. In this, for better marketing, the marketer has to roam around different markets from caterer to wholesaler and the like in order to market the end products.

Paper Plate Manufacturing Business Packaging 

For packaging, you can put 100 plates in one packet. However, depending on the number of plates you put on one plate, you can decide its price.

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Paper Plate Manufacturing Business Profit 

If you wish to keep one price at 80 paise rate, then 100 plates in one packet will cost rupees 80. If the plate is sold for rupee 1 in retail, the shopkeeper can make 20 paise profit. If you produce two to three different qualities of plate, you can sell them in the market by different name and cost and get profit.

What kind of business challenge one can face for making paper plates?

In a paper plate making business, one has to face certain challenges in the market. With changing scenario of country’s economy, you have to think carefully before you invest money in this business. If you are able to make profit from this business, it will offer you better future. One of the biggest challenges of this business is to look for the right market. Different types of powder and chemical are used in the industry along with ample supply of water. So, it may happen that such industries are opposed by the Pollution Control Board to curb the spread of environment pollution. Also, the ‘Save Paper Save Trees’ campaign has been started and therefore, it is necessary to prevent destruction of environment. By this, it is possible to start the business with less investment. If you are able to run a stable business, you can achieve profit from the business in quick time.

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