Dona Pattal Making Business, Profit, Plan, Cost, Raw Material, Machinery, Manufacturing Process
If you are starting a business, it is important to know about it and how you can earn a profit from it. There are options where you can expect a good profit by investing less capital. This type of business is named as flat business. Try to know the details of the business of dona pattal before you start investing in it. Make sure that you invest in the right manner so that you can get a suitable profit out of it. Read the following part of the article that shall take you through other relevant details of the business of dona pattal.
What is Dona Pattal?
Food is served in plastic plates that are disposed of after use and it is commonly seen in public functions such as wedding parties and the like. These plates are made from thermocol items or plastic material. In the previous days, the plates were made from leaves, but now it is made from plastic or thermocol material. In the past days, the dona pattal were made by cutting the leaves of banana trees and sargi shrubs and along with this, bamboo sticks were used. The manufacturing of the pates and bowl makes it easy to be used and disposed of. Unlike these, it becomes difficult to destroy the plastic and thermocol plates that are used in the current days. So now you can try to know about the details of how to start dona pattal making business without having any negative impact on the environment.
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Dona Pattal Making Business Registration
Whichever business, you wish to try, it is important to get the business registered. This shall prevent any unwanted problems to crop up in the future. The registration procedure is not a long process and therefore, it is necessary for your flat business registered. Irrespective of the size of the business, it is necessary that you register it soon before starting it. Below is a rundown of the list of the legal registration of the business.
- The first step of business registration is to give a name to the business with which one can identify your brand. Try to give a unique name compared to others in the market.
- Before starting a business, you should visit the municipality of the local area in which you will set up the business. From there, you have to apply for a legal license.
- In case there are no errors related to the license you have applied for, the municipality will grant the legal license for your business immediately.
- There is nothing illegal to make dona pattal, it is important to get a license for the business along with a NOC from the Pollution Control Board.
- Try to get the business registered under MSME as the industry base. For this, you have to visit the district industry nearby.
- Now, you have to look for an electricity connection for the rented shop. Even if you have a room, you need to set up an electricity connection in it. For this, you have to get approval from the State Electric Board and install a professional meter in the room. By this, you will not have to face the problem of electricity supply.
- If you wish to appoint labors in your business, make sure that you do not violate the labor law and pay the person for the service that he offers.
Dona Pattal Business Plan
To start the business of dona pattal, Which is made by leaves, you should have proper knowledge about it. For beginners, it is better to get in touch with an expert who can assist you in starting the business. The experienced artisans shall help you know how to make dona pattal in advance and start a smooth business. The right technique shall help you carry on the business easily.
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Dona Pattal is the right place for business
To make a business a successful one, it should be started in the right location. Make sure that you find out the right factory place for the business ensuring that the surrounding area will not spread dirt. Also, the business area should be built away from the crowd of normal people so that they do not have to face any problem with the factory works. Also, the place should be such that it can be easily reached by means of transportation and it should be an open place. It shall further help the suppliers to reach the factory place easily. This way, the right setup can help to run the business smoothly and earn profit in quick time.
Market Potential of Dona Pattal Business
The thermocol plates and plastic plates are among the commonly used ones. Both these plates are harmful to nature. The plates are used in hotels, restaurants, railways, dhabas and other public places. In this way, the plates made from leaves and the paper made from leaves is also used for plates that are not harmful. The dona pattal made from the leaves of tree leaves can be eliminated easily after using it. Depending on the demand in the market, it will be suitable to continue with the dona pattal business.
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Raw Material required for Dona Pattal Making Business
There is no such raw material that is required for making the dona pattal other than leaves. However, you can start the business by installing a plate making machine in a small room. By choosing the right raw materials, it shall help to make a profit in the business. The primary items required for the dona pattal making business is tree and the leaves. In this business, banana tree leaves are also common or the leaf that is slightly large.
Machinery and Tools needed to start Dona Pattal business
- The plates can be made without the use of a machine. But with the help of a machine, it shall help to produce increased number of plates in a quick time. A single die machine can do the task of hand press.
- Other than this, a hand press double die machine can also be used that helps to make plates using two different types of dye. It helps to give right shape to the plates.
- Along with the equipment, an automatic cup machine is also installed that helps in making the plates.
- Different types of dye and modes are used in plate manufacturing along with the raw leaves that help to give different shapes to the plates.
- When you are setting up the plate making factory, you need to buy office furniture where the colleagues can work without any convenience.
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Dona Pattal Manufacturing Process
The dona pattal making task is an easy one only if you can do it correctly. For the beginners, it may seem to be a daunting one. Before you start with the work, it is better to have complete training on how to make the dona pattal. Some of the manufacturing steps are mentioned below.
- To make the dona pattal, you have to collect big sized leaves to make the plates.
- Before you start making the leaves, you have to clean it before you cut it. Before inserting the leaves in the machine, it should be cleaned off all dirt.
- Only after cleaning and shaping the leaves, you have to put them into the machine to make the dona and pattal.
- The making of dona pattal with leaves is an easy one that requires little training so that you do not go wrong when making the dona pattal.
- Apart from making the dona pattal in the right shape, it is important that you check the quality of the dona pattal. By this, you can assure that you deliver good quality dona pattal to the customers.
- Only after checking quality of the dona pattal, give it an attractive packaging before it is ready to be sold in the market.
Dona Pattal Business Cost
If you consider the cost of materials required in the business, it is very low as you only require leaves. for which you can use plant and trees. In addition to this, you can estimate the cost of the machine that is used to make the dona and pattal. However, you have to make a minimum expense of rupees 10000 to 20000 to buy the machine. Initially, it is better to start the business on a small scale and then give it a big shape once you start to earn profit out of it.
To start a small business, Click Here to know how to get a loan up to Rs 50,000 from the Mudra Loan Scheme of the Central Government.
Where to Sell Dona Pattal?
Before you start the business, you have to find whether there is demand in the market for the dona pattal. By this, you can know about where to sell the dona pattal. Look for the suppliers to whom you can sell the dona pattal. Along with this, you have to get in touch with the shopkeepers who can do business in selling dona pattal in the market. Once the customers start liking the dona pattal, they will start to buy more dona pattal from the shopkeepers. In this way, you will get a chance to earn more by selling more dona pattal to the shopkeepers.
Dona Pattal business profit
The trees can be planted easily and the leaves are the primary raw materials with which the dona pattal are manufactured. Therefore, using the leaves from the trees for making the dona pattal and selling them in the market shall help you earn good profit with low investment. Even if you are aiming for a small scale business, it requires less investment and time to start the business. So, one can expect to get reasonable profit from the business.
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In conclusion, we would like to say that if you have become more successful and tired after doing any kind of job or doing any business, then you can start a business of two leaves of leaves made of trees. , For which you do not need much capital at all.
Q : Why to start business of dona pattal made from leaves?
Ans : With increasing pollution, the thermocol and plastic plates are causing threat to the environment. Therefore, starting the business of making dona pattal can be beneficial.
Q : How much initial capital is required to start the business?
Ans : To start the business of dona pattal, an initial investment of rupees 20000 is required.
Q : Is it possible to run a small scale business for manufacturing dona pattal?
Ans : Yes, it is possible to run a small scale business and set it up in a small space.
Q : How many employees are required to run the business?
Ans : 1 to 2 employees are enough to start the business.
Q : Is it easy to get raw materials for the business?
Ans : Yes, raw material for the business is easily available.
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